Galerie Lichtblick

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Out of Jakarta

Young Indonesian Photography
presented by Gunawan Widjaja. Antara Gallery

Ade Sinuhaji • Adhi Wickasono • Agung Pambudy • Agus Susanto • Anastasia Widyaningsih • Andi Ari Setiadi • Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri • Atho Ullah • Bobby Haryanto • Caron Toshiko Monica Sutedjo • Dedy Sinuhaji • Fanny Octavianus • Handika Ridzki Rahardwipa • Irma Chantily • Jerry Adiguna • Kurniadi Widodo • Mamuk Ismuntoro • Mazini Hafizhuddin • Mohammad Safir Makki • Mulia Idznilah • Natasha Gabriella Tontey • Prasetyo Utomo • Prayogi • Rahmad Gunawan • Rony Zakaria • Sonang Elyas • Suryo Wibowo • Taufan Wijaya

Antara Museum & Gallery for Photojournalism

Im Januar 2013 wurden Markus Schaden und Wolfgang Zurborn vom Goethe Institut Indonesien eingeladen, eine Photobook Masterclass in der Antara Gallery for Photojournalism auszurichten. Das war eine großartige Erfahrung und der Start für eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Im Gegenzug ist Gunawan Widjaja mit Unterstützung der IFA zu Gast in Köln. Die Galerie Lichtblick ist sehr glücklich, seine Auswahl junger Indonesischer Fotografie und die Ergebnisses der Photobook Masterclass Jakarta vorstellen zu können.

In January 2013 Markus Schaden und Wolfgang Zurborn were invited by Goethe Institute Indonesia to do a Photobook Masterclass in Antara Museum & Gallery for Photojournalism. This was a great experience and the start for a longtime cooperation. In return Gunawan Widjaja, assistant curator of Antara Gallery, is visiting Cologne supported by IFA. Gallery Lichtblick is very happy to present his selection of Young Indonesian photography and the results of the Photobook Masterclass Jakarta.


Museum and Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara is located in a dutch-architectural building built in the early 20th century, named Gedung Graha Bhakti on Jalan Antara 59 in the heart city of Jakarta.  The building itself is formerly used by Editorial office of ANTARA, the Indonesian News Agency.  It is a historical building where the Proclamation of Independence Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 was spread out around the globe.

Fanny Octavianus

The Museum Antara has the objectives to collect and preserves the history of Indonesian Journalism especially Photojournalistic. At the same time to raise the understanding and interest towards Journalism and Visual Documentary. Our collections includes the historical building and its interior, the equipments used for reporting and broadcasting from the establishment of Antara (1937) to present, and photo collections ranging from independence day to present.

Rony Zakaria

The Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara (GFJA)  has developed from being just “the first” journalism photo gallery in Indonesia to be the best and the most active institution in Indonesia’s art and culture scene.  The numbers speak for themselves  between 1992 and 2013 the GFJA organized over 200 photo exhibitions, more than 500 events, and 83 print publications (in the form of books and catalog).

Adhi Wickasono

Since 1994, the birth of budding young photographers from the GFJA’s annual photojournalism workshop has become a tradition in itself; most of alumnae are now working professionally at the country’s largest newspapers and magazines including international wire services where their work are picked-up by TIME, Newsweek, AFP and other prestigious media. We are increasingly commited toward educational commitments in the coming year.

Photobook Masterclass Jakarta 2013
by Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn

Photobook Masterclass Jakarta, January 2013

Celebrating a “Month of Photo Book“ starting in January, the Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara turned into a centre of photo book art and offers a wide range of activities.
Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn were the special guests at this event. They were holding the “Photo Book Master Class Jakarta”, working with the participating photographers on developing their own projects. In the frame of a portfolio review they got an wider overview on contemporary Indonesian photography. Lectures about the photobook and different strategies of editing by Oscar Motuloh, Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn were reflecting historical and contemporary questions about this important medium. The future of photo book markets and the challenges of e-distribution were the main issues in a public discussion.

Presentation of the Photobook Masterclass Jakarta

left: Gunawan Widjaja, right: Mohammad Safir Makki

Thanks a lot for the great support by:

Oscar Motuloh, Gunawan Widjaja and Octa Christi from Antara Gallery

Franz Xaver Augustin, Christel Mahnke, Devi Veriana and Anna Maria Kribus from Goethe Institute Indonesia

Eva Sodeik-Zecha and Nillufar Hossaini from IFA.


Ade Sinuhaji
Adhi Wickasono
Agung Pambudy
Agus Susanto
Anastasia Widyaningsih
Andi Ari Setiadi
Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri
Atho Ullah
Bobby Haryanto
Caron Toshiko Monica Sutedjo
Dedy Sinuhaji
Fanny Octavianus
Handika Ridzki Rahardwipa
Irma Chantily
Jerry Adiguna
Kurniadi Widodo
Mamuk Ismuntoro
Mazini Hafizhuddin
Mohammad Safir Makki
Mulia Idznilah
Natasha Gabriella Tontey
Prasetyo Utomo
Rahmad Gunawan
Rony Zakaria
Sonang Elyas
Suryo Wibowo
Taufan Wijaya

Out of Jakarta
Selection of young Indonesian Photography by Antara Gallery Presented by guest curator Gunawan Widjaja

16.08. - 08.09.2013

16.08.2013 20:00 h


Weitere Ausstellungen:

Mike Crawford London Boris Eldagsen Berlin Christian Kosfe The Night

Marc Asnin, Vincent Cianni, Wolf Boewig, Louie Palu, Har Kolga Tbilisi Photo Meeting 2013

Rania Matar A Girl and Her Room

Reinis Fjodorovs Jessica Hines Torben Höke Emanuele Lami Kolga Photo Award 2012

Manuel Bauer Wolfgang Bellwinkel Harvey Benge Steven Bens PIMP the TIMP Volume II

Mariette Pathy Allen Stephen Althouse Darryl Baird Steven Kolga Tbilisi Photo Meeting 2012

Eric Alexander Bogi Bell Marion M. Dittmer Enrico Duddeck 1 Jahr Lichtblick School

Kolga Fotowettbewerb 2011, Tiflis, Georgien

Frank Robert Endstation Sehnsucht

Mariette Pathy Allen Stephen Althouse Darryl Baird Andrej Der Zweite Blick

   © 2024 Galerie Lichtblick, Gesellschaft für fotografische Kunst e.V. Köln | Impressum