Galerie Lichtblick

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30 Years Galerie Lichtblick
Pre-Xmas-Party, Dezember 17, 8 p.m.

Space Veggies & Earth Plants #2

17.12.2016 - 19.2.2017

Lori Nix, Library, 2007

Anna Atkins, England (1799-1871)
Andy Warhol, New York, USA
Azuma Makoto, Tokyo, Japan
Chris Rauschenberg, Portland, USA
Christine Laptuta, Portland, USA
Ellen Boerner, Montreux, CH
Freya Najade, London, UK
Jessica Hines, Savannah, USA
Kate Breakey, Tucson, USA
Lori Nix, New York, USA
Mark Klett, Tempe, USA
Michael Wolf, Hongkong, China
Paul Berger, Seattle, USA
Sanna Kannisto, Helsinki, Finland
Stephen Althouse, Pennsylvania, USA
Vadim Gushchin, Moscow, Russia

Scott Kelly, NASA, Houston, USA +
Daniel Schubert, DLR Lab, Bremen
'veggie' project international spacestation ISS

Aus dem unglaublichen Reich der Pflanzen – von historischen zu futuristischen Interpretationen, kuratiert von Tina Schelhorn für MOMA Tbilisi, Georgia – Kolga Tbilisi Photo

The incredible kingdom of plants - from historic to futuristic interpretations of 'Flora' curated by Tina Schelhorn for MOMA Tbilisi Georgia - Kolga Tbilisi Photo

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours::Fr 19-21 Uhr, Sa+So 14-18 Uhr
Galerie geschlossen/Gallery closed: 23.12.2016 - 5.1.2017

First salad grown in space on Space Station ISS by Scott Kelly/NASA. Crops tested
in veggie plant pillows include lettuce, Swiss chard, radishes, Chinese cabbage and peas

Space Veggies and Earth Plants

Photographs of plants. Plants for their own sake. As an aesthetic or biological alternative to everyday life, society and civilization up to now. Plants as intelligent and resistant living organisms on the evolutionary path from earth to outer space.

Art and amateur photography is cognisant of the motifs of man and beast, tree and flower in their paradisical simplicity. Journalistic documentation records the destruction of rain forests and biodiversity. Advertising revels in the values of recreation and consumption. Nature becomes the background setting, the fruit bowl and vegetable platter. Even in still life it is kept marginal, something between décor, color, fragrance, medicinal herb, drug, nourishment, prey and fuel.

The future-trending research and documentation of the floral and the vegetal can be found at the interface between science, art and technology, the global and the interplanetary between ecology, climate change, terraforming and in an exodus to other celestial bodies. The terrestrial evolution seems to have gone through a gradual ascent, from algae and moss to the vascular plants with roots, sprouts and leaves, trees, shrubs, herbs to flowers. In the zero gravity of space, growth accelerates and reaches new dimensions.

The photographs on show bridge the gap between civilization, evolution and nature. Procedures that are artistic and everyday, structural and documentary, investigative and symbol-depicting serve the photographic comprehension and portrayal of living things: between potential use, genetic manipulation and pure enjoyment. Biological phenomena today are generated via natural growth, virtual construction and purposeful breeding.

The pictures of nature, the subtext of the plants, change from a traditional life source to an object of economic exploitation and scarcity, to a test field of industrial standardization and to a gateway to unforeseen transformations. The aesthetic reflection of our home planet’s uniqueness is linked to our wonder at the fascinating ingenuity of evolution, here on earth and in outer space.

Dr. Peter V. Brinkemper

Kate Breakey

Space-Veggies and Earth-Plants

Fotografien von Pflanzen. Pflanzen um ihrer selbst willen. Als ästhetischer oder biologischer Gegenentwurf zum bisherigen Alltag, zur Gesellschaft und Zivilisation. Pflanzen als intelligente und resistente Lebewesen auf dem evolutionären Pfad von der Erde ins All.

Kunst- und Amateurfotografie kennen die Motive von Mensch und Tier, Baum und Blume in paradiesischer Einfalt. Die journalistische Dokumentation berichtet von Zerstörungen des Regenwaldes und der Artendiversität. Werbung schwelgt in Erholungs- und Konsumwerten. Natur wird zur Hintergrundkulisse, Fruchtmenü und Gemüseplatte. Selbst im Stillleben wird sie zur Marginalie, zwischen Dekor, Farbe, Duft, Heilkraut, Droge, Nahrungsmittel, Opfer und Brennstoff.

Die zukunftsweisende Erforschung und Dokumentation des Floralen und Vegetabilischen findet an einer Schnittstelle statt, zwischen Science, Art und Technologie, global und interplanetar zwischen Ökologie, Klimawandel, Terraforming und im Exodus zu anderen Himmelkörpern. Die terrestrische Evolution scheint einen langsamen Aufstieg genommen zu haben, von Algen und Moosen zu den Gefäßpflanzen mit Wurzeln, Spross und Blättern, Bäumen, Sträuchern, Kräutern und Blütenträgern. In der Schwerelosigkeit des Alls wird Wachstum beschleunigt, Proportionen erlangen neue Dimensionen.

Die Fotografen in dieser Ausstellung schlagen Schneisen und Brücken zwischen Zivilisation, Evolution und Natur. Künstlerische und alltägliche, strukturelle und dokumentarische, investigative und symbolisch-darstellende Verfahren dienen der fotografischen Erfassung und Darstellung des Lebendigen: zwischen möglicher Nutzung, genetischer Manipulation und reinem Wohlgefallen. Biologische Erscheinungen werden heute erzeugt durch natürliches Wachstum, virtuelle Konstruktion und gezielte Züchtung.

Das Bild der Natur, die Botschaft der Pflanzen verändert sich vom traditionellen Lebensquell zum Objekt ökonomischer Ausbeutung und Verknappung, zum Testfeld industrieller Standardisierung und zur Pforte ungeahnter Transformationen. Die ästhetische Reflexion auf die Einmaligkeit unseres Heimatplaneten Erde verbindet sich mit dem Staunen über den faszinierenden Einfallsreichtum der Evolution, hier und im All.

Dr. Peter V. Brinkemper

Exhibition Space-Veggies and Earth-Plants during Rencontres d'Arles, July 2016

Vadim Gushchin, born 1963.Moscow, Russia. Fruits of the earth. 1998. The series provides a different staging compared to his former suprematist-like artworks. Fruits next to staged objects and the irony of directly undertaped German titles function as playful metaphorical accessories against simple identity: an artificial chicken and the egg, real, the pear, overripe, and a toy-mouse, bread and wine, with a wooden wine-cup, the apple, a wilted rose and the radish, a multiplicity, viewed from below. Between the units, there are broad links of shifting forms, materials, meanings and symbols, translations of art into life. Post-conceptual photography plays immanently with modern strategies and transform them into an open everyday experience.

Azuma Makoto, born 1976, Japan, France, USA. Exobiotanica – Botanical Space Flight 2014. He is a flower sculpturist, producing massiv objects of solid expression with natural materials (mega bouquets, ice flowers) and public medial botanical installations. His art has commercial aspects but is also linked with space and environmental aspects. In July 2014 he sent with two ballons from Black Rock Desert in Nevada into the stratosphere, on a mission, entitled ‘Exobiotanica’, a 50 year old pine bonsai, suspended in a carbon-fiber cube-frame, and an arrangement of orchids, hydrangeas, lilies and irises, among other plants. Both helium ballons were specially equipped with high-resolution-cameras to document in 12.000 pics the steps of the plants into the unknown, drifting away from bright earth to dark sky nearly beyond atmosphere, entering a short time existence, unsheltered, without soil, air and gravity.


Anna Atkins
Andy Warhol
Azuma Makoto
Chris Rauschenberg
Christine Laptuta
Ellen Boerner
Freya Najade
Jessica Hines
Kate Breakey
Lori Nix
Mark Klett
Michael Wolf
Paul Berger
Sanna Kannisto
Stephen Althouse
Vadim Gushchin

Scott Kelly, NASA
Daniel Schubert, DLR Lab

Space Veggies & Earth Plants #2

17.12. - 19.02.2017

17.12.2016 20:00 h

17.12.2016 22:00 h

18.02.2017 20:00 h

Weitere Ausstellungen:

Andrej Barov, München, Germany Azuma Makoto, Tokyo, Japan Space Veggies & Earth Plants #1

Birte Kaufmann The Travellers

Dougie Wallace Simon Norfolk Kai L?ffelbein Thekla Ehlin Kolga Tbilisi Phto Meeting 2016

Anais Lopez Betsy Schneider Dona Schwartz Elaine Ling He Ladies Only #3

Imran Ahmed Arko Datto Shruti Desai Shubham Dharmsktu Ma The India Vision Quest

Dieter Röseler Deutschland 5 Uhr 30

Wolfgang Zurborn Catch

Brian Griffin Chris Suspect Richard Bram Oyvind Hjelmen Kolga Tbilisi Photo Meeting 2015

Linda Troeller Mariette Pathy Allen Mary Ann Lynch Regina Ladies Only #2

Aline Smithson Beatrix Reinhardt Joanna Black Karen Glase Ladies Only #1

   © 2025 Galerie Lichtblick, Gesellschaft für fotografische Kunst e.V. Köln | Impressum